Velasco Law Group is committed to providing individuals and families with support during these unprecedented times with the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). It is really important you prepare the right legal documents appointing guardians for your children should something happen to you.
Script from the video above:
Hello, my name is Laura Zolnekoff and I am an attorney at Velasco Law Group. First and foremost, it is my sincere hope that you and your family are all safe during this tumultuous time. As you can probably tell, I am shooting this from my home as most of the employees of Velasco Law Group are doing their best to adhere to the safer at home standard set by our governor.
Now, because these times are so uncertain, at the top of everybody’s mind is their estate plan. But, something that a lot of people don’t think about or even realize that they need is a nomination of guardians. Now, as a mother of a six-year-old myself, my number one priority is to ensure that my son is cared for if the way that I would prefer should I pass away. A nomination of guardian communicates these wishes to the courts and family members so that any transition upon such a tragedy is as smooth as possible.
The form is extremely easy to fill out, it doesn’t take a ton of time and is able to communicate your wishes for how you want your children cared for following your death to the courts, to family members and to any other person who may have interest in it. This is a very important part of anybody’s estate plan especially if you have children.
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about a nomination of guardians, please feel free to call Velasco Law Group. We’d be more than happy to help you out. Thank you.
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